Monday 25 October 2010


I've decided that my blog needs a new look. Yes, already :) The autumn leaves were lovely (and appropriate!) but the tiny grey text and general 'busy-ness' made it very difficult to read. I've gone for a simpler, more cheerful look that's - I hope - easier on the eyes.

I've also inserted page breaks for almost every post, which means that most of the (few) photographs are hidden. Blogs with long, sprawling but well-illustrated posts are lovely to look at - and I know beautiful photographs often determine whether or not people stick around to read - but at the moment I want to keep things clean and focus on writing. If something genuinely merits photography, I'll make the effort. And there will be an occasional 'photo post'. But otherwise, it's just going to be text for now.

Over the weekend, I re-read my previous two (private) blogs for nostalgia's sake. Most of the posts have actually aged fairly well. And there is a discernible voice in there somewhere. It just needs to be brought out.

But I don't think I'll be making those blogs public. For one thing, I'm a fan of just having one blog - unless you're, for example, a crafter and have one personal blog and one displaying your wares. For another, some posts are very personal hearthoughts and I don't want to edit them for public reading as I find that somewhat deceitful.

What I have decided to do is publish some of these posts on here. I think a couple of them might provide some encouragement. So each day this week I'll be posting something from my archives. Watch this space ...


  1. The new look is nice! And I'm looking forward to your re-posts. :)

  2. Glad you like it :) The one about the heater is one of them, although it's very short! Longer ones will follow during the rest of the week ...
