Monday, 8 November 2010

Rejoice and be glad

NB: This post was written at various stages of my day

There are days when you do everything wrong and it all turns out okay. And then there are days when you do everything right (or, at least, everything you can) and it all goes so very wrong.

I'm writing this on a bus, stuck in heavy traffic. The overhead trains that take me to my nearest tube station are severely delayed.

So I decided to take the bus. And now, as we crawl through rainy, smog-choked streets, I'm wondering whether I made the right choice.

I went to bed early enough, I woke up early enough and I left the house early enough. But God had other plans.

It happens sometimes. For me, it's a much-needed reminder that I am not in control of my days.

Nothing I do, or fail to do, can thwart what God has ordained. This does not absolve me of responsibility. But it does mean that there is no point getting frustrated or having an anxiety attack when my plans for my day are foiled.

This isn't how I wanted my Monday to begin. I wanted a fresh start. But what was it I said this morning?

'This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it'.

No conditions - no buts, no only ifs. Just a vow to be glad, come what may.

So here I am, stuck in traffic. This is the day He has made ... And JUST as I typed that the driver has announced a driver changeover. More delays. In traffic. On a rainy day. When I'm already late.

Can we glorify Him on days like these? Yes. We can still smile. We can still be patient. We can still give up our seat to one who needs it more. We can still walk into work, late or not, determined to make the best of the time that remains.

Nothing is 'ruined' except MY plans for my day. My imperfect plans that often have wrong motives. HIS plan still stands firm, no matter how bad things seem. And it is a good plan. A perfect plan. Sometimes it takes years to see it. But that shouldn't give us any cause to doubt it.

Now I'm on the tube. Guess what? My line is experiencing severe delays! I have to laugh. There's nothing else to do. Just laugh a laugh of Thy will be done.

And in the midst of it all there's grace. I was just offered a seat by a lady who could tell I was feeling poorly. She was getting off at the next stop but gave me her seat long before we arrived.

I got to the office determined to make the best of the day but, at the same time, I was happier than usual that my job is a desk one. I was ready to work hard but wanted to do so in my 'deskbubble', getting on with things undisturbed.

During the morning, that's pretty much what happened. At lunchtime I met my beloved's brother for a catchup over Gourmet Burger Kitchen and returned to the office full and content.

I hadn't been back 30 seconds when my boss informed me that I was going to a press conference in a hour.

'This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.'

Deep breath. Ok, what do I need to do?

In the end there wasn't a story for us. But embracing the opportunity increased trust, brought peace. And once again there was grace - I was spared the rain on the walk to the venue.

Most of my journey home was spent holed up in a hot tube tunnel with angry commuters, watching the ticking clock and aware that I had more work to do when I got home (my boss had suggeseted I just head home and work from there to save time).

I will rejoice and be glad ...

I made it home in one piece. I got the work done. And I had a great Bible study with my beloved. It was a difficult day relative to my circumstances but, as far as days go, it could have been a lot worse.

Whatever our day looks like, the important thing is to keep our minds and hearts stayed on God. To remember that this day, not tomorrow, not next week, is the day He has made for us.

And, come what may, we are called to not merely tolerate it but to rejoice in it. To be glad in it. To embrace every opportunity it brings, soli deo Gloria.

Continuing to thank Him for the undeserved gifts ...

#181 Winter pansies tucked safe into the earth before a week of heavy wind and rain
#182 Getting all the gardening done in the last of the sunshine
#183 Getting to speak to my father at last
#184 A plate of warm pasta and meatballs set aside for me at Sunday lunch
#185 Little children memorising portions of the Word; a gentle reminder that it's about time I did the same
#186 Proud parents at the Sunday school prizegiving service
#187 The view of London at night while driving across Tower Bridge
#188 The God-given resolve to go to bed on time - 9 hours of refreshment and a noticeable difference in my attitude to Monday morning
#189 Discovering this book
#190 Studying 1 Peter with my beloved

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