Wednesday, 24 November 2010


In the six weeks or so since I started a public blog, I've "met" some lovely people and had the privilege of reading their wonderful blogs. As I mentioned to Kandace, in so many things I felt alone ... and then I discovered an online world of like-minded sisters striving for the narrow path. It has been such a blessing to me I sometimes wonder whether I'm dreaming.

Yesterday, several posts spoke directly to my heart. Beautifully-written posts that had the very stamp of God on them. From the encouraging to the magical, they warmed my soul and lifted my spirits.

Chantel, who hosted the fabulous GreaThings 2010 blog hop - I'll join next year, promise! - spoke about counting our blessings and looking for little things to be grateful for each day.
" ... sometimes the biggest blessings can be masked in the form of the little and almost obscure moments of our day. It can be raindrops on pine trees, or the call of a loon over a still lake, or the smile of a stranger, or the warmth of a cup of tea and the comfort of a favorite verse. It can be anything that speaks of God’s love, anything that warms our hearts, anything that reminds us that He cares. Because He does.  And we should be grateful for all these things."
The chaos of my life was put into perspective through Elisabeth's lovely post, which reminded me that God himself tenderly knits together my days and that, although far from perfect and sometimes filled with such pain, my life is *good* because He is in control.
"I thought of this life God has put together for me – of it’s gorgeous and unique busyness, craziness, relationalness, messiness, happiness, weariness and … blessedness ... And I wouldn’t have it any other way."
Melissa's sweet post exhorted me to do small things with great love when seeking ways to bless and encourage. Not content to merely read, I put her words into action by posting some love to a dear friend currently overseas (more details below).

And The Lovely Guide continues to draw me into its whimsical bubble and inspire me to pursue the pure and the beautiful -

Sara-Sophia's encouragement for a fairy princess afraid to love brought tears. And Ashleigh spun an adorable, soul-warming tale about a newlywed named Ellie Kate and her baking magic.

Ladies, thank you for your words.

Today is my mother's birthday. I brought her roses and lilies, and we feasted on her homecooked love. She looked *breathtaking* in a ruffly blue blouse, a string of delicate pearls and the chunky bracelet I gave her last Christmas. We gifted her with a year's membership to the National Trust so that she can come on countryside adventures with us ... and practice her motorway skills to boot.

After the festivities had ended, I crept upstairs to do magical secret things. Yesterday I discovered the 'World's Smallest Postal Service'. It is possibly the most adorable thing in the universe. For just $10 (plus shipping) you can send a loved one a teeny tiny letter/card (complete with a folding magnifier so they can actually read it. Oh yes.) Or a sweet little package like this:

The label reads "You are as cute as ... "

Someone close to my heart has a whole lot of love heading her way. I can't wait for her to receive it. Happy days.

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