Thursday, 21 October 2010


NB: Since writing this, a dear friend has started following ...

My blog is messy and awkward. It doesn't really know what it wants to be. It started off as a record of 'doing something'; of living life fully and outwardly. It still wants to fulfil that role, but it wants to broaden its horizons. It wants to be an influence, it wants to carve out a place on the web.

Its layout isn't perfect. Its entries are too long. But it wants to encourage somebody out there.

My blog has no followers. And I'm ashamed to admit that, even though this was initially expected and accepted, it stings a little.

I joined Meet Me At Mike's LinkyTools post and, according to Blogger stats, 4 people visited me as a result. But they didn't stay. That's the risk of having a public blog. People may never follow. My blog may forever remain the wallflower that people look at but never talk to. That's why a private blog is safer. No opportunity for people to join so no risk of getting hurt.

I wandered over to Ann Voskamp's A Holy Experience tonight, as she recently redesigned the site. She has 1,900 followers. I felt a lump in my throat. It was envy. This self-confessed shy, quiet lady is now famous in her sphere. So many Christian women have been influenced by her words.

She has an unmistakeable written 'voice'. You have to visit her site to understand but once you do, there's no denying it.

I'm yet to find my voice. I sometimes feel I'm too much of a walking contradiction to ever have a distinctive one. I'm genuinely shy deep down. But I'm bubbly and affectionate with people I know. I don't enjoy the limelight. Yet I like wearing bright colours and have proved a confident public speaker in the past (though each time I was shaking deep inside). I'm Romantic and old-fashioned. But I enjoy and, to an extent, identify with the indie craft scene and the quirky characters that inhabit it. I have a country heart. But I live in one of the busiest cities in the world and enjoy it most of the time.

What is my voice? What do I have to offer? How can I encourage other women in the 'blogosphere'? I'm still praying and thinking about it.

But, in the meantime, it would be nice to have a follower.


  1. ::hugs:: In time, I hope you'll have dozens of followers. Just keep writing for Him and for your heart and it'll happen in time, I am sure. For now, I'm excited to have found your corner of the web. I never knew you had a blog!

    (p.s I also discovered that many people choose to follow blogs through a feed reader, such as googlereader. I looked at those feed stats and was shocked that there were more people reading along than I could have imagined by my "followers" section. Maybe its the same for you? :) )

  2. Oh how lovely to hear from you. I got a little emotional in this post *blush*. But I believe honesty is the way forward, as long as it's a genuine heart-cry.

    I only started my blog this month. I used to keep a private blog of musings but decided it was time to come out of hiding :) You're right, I need to keep writing and remember Who I'm writing for. Thanks so much for the encoragement. Hope you'll enjoy it here!
